Virtual vs. Physical Audio Workstations

June 15, 2021

Virtual vs. Physical Audio Workstations

As technology advances, the world of music production is rapidly changing. In the past, physical audio workstations were the only option for recording, mixing, and mastering music. However, with the emergence of virtual audio workstations, many musicians and producers are wondering if they should make the switch. In this blog post, we will provide a factual and unbiased comparison of virtual vs. physical audio workstations.


Cost is one of the most significant factors when it comes to choosing between virtual and physical audio workstations. Physical audio workstations can cost thousands of dollars, while virtual audio workstations range from free to a few hundred dollars. The cost of physical audio workstations goes beyond purchasing the workstation itself. You will also need to purchase additional hardware such as mixers, monitors, and interfaces, which can add up quickly.

Verdict: Virtual audio workstations are significantly cheaper than physical ones.

Editing and Customization

Virtual audio workstations allow for much more flexibility when it comes to editing and customization. Like most software-based systems, virtual workstations provide a plethora of features, plugins, and effects that physical workstations simply cannot match. With virtual workstations, you can mix and master music without any physical limitations, giving you complete freedom in your editing and customization.

On the other hand, physical workstations offer a tactile experience, which many musicians and producers prefer. The ability to physically move faders, adjust knobs, and touch a mixing board offers a more immersive experience.

Verdict: Virtual workstations offer more editing and customization options, while physical workstations offer a more immersive experience.

Sound Quality

One of the most important factors to consider when choosing between virtual and physical workstations is sound quality. Physical audio workstations provide the best sound quality as they use actual hardware to produce music. These workstations are known for their warm and rich analog sound. Virtual workstations, on the other hand, use software to produce sound, which can lead to digital artifacts and a less-authentic sound.

However, with recent advancements in technology, virtual workstations are now capable of producing high-quality sound that can rival that of physical workstations.

Verdict: Physical workstations provide better sound quality, but virtual workstations are quickly catching up.


Physical audio workstations are known for being bulky and challenging to move around. This can be an issue for musicians who need to record or produce music on the go. Virtual audio workstations are much more portable as they are essentially software that can be installed on laptops or other portable devices.

Verdict: Virtual audio workstations are much more portable than physical ones.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, both virtual and physical audio workstations have their benefits and drawbacks. Virtual workstations are significantly cheaper and more customizable, while physical workstations provide a more immersive experience and better sound quality. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference, budget, and the type of music you are producing.


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